Monday, November 16, 2009


Quelques livres, cahiers et dictionnaire ….

Quelques petits exercices …….


Notre méthode est interactive et divertissante.


Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à notre prochaine session de cours

DÉBUTANTS I et II commençant  en  JANVIER  2010


Hâtez-vous et renseignez-vous plus en détails en consultant notre site web au  ou en téléphonant à

Carmen (450) 962-1555.


Au plaisir de vous rencontrer,                                           À bientôt  /  Hasta luego


Horaire des cours

Minimum de 10 participants par cours.


   Débutant I

    Débutant II


lundi      19 :00 @ 20 :30

samedi    11 :00 @ 12 :30



mercredi  19 :00 @ 20 :30

samedi      9 :00 @ 10 :30









Monday, May 16, 2005

Writing Business Letters

10,000 Business Letter Templates English

For dimensions see
P:\Letter Layout Standards

Templates for Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. (Thanks Ron T.)

Modèles de documents pour Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. (Thanks Ron T.)

Plantillas Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. (Thanks Ron T.)

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Word Advanced

Converting an E-book to word.
Ebooks often have paragraph marks on every line. These must be removed before using them in normal documents.
  1. Replace double paragraph marks with XXXX
  2. Delete all paragraph marks
  3. Replace all XXXX with single paragraph marks.
  4. Set space after paragraph to 12 points.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Word Desktop Publishing

Steps to a perfect Desktop Publishing document.

  1. Type your document
  2. Layout your grid (choose columns and spacing, or table)
  3. Format the text
  4. Format the paragraphs
  5. Add text boxes where required for special effects (example: pull quotes, rotated text)

Kerning won't center.

  1. Do not include the last character when kerning a word. It must line up perfectly on the right margin.

Make a template:

  1. Convert any document to a template by changing it's extension from .DOC to .DOT in windows explorer.
  2. Just double click this template to create a new document. Right Mouse button to edit it. To add it to your other templates, open it and save as template.

General Tips

Capture the screen.

  1. Hold the ALT key and pressing the Print Screen key. This will place your active window in the clipboard.
  2. Paste it to Word.
  3. Resize or crop as needed.
  4. Add your comments.
  5. Send by email, Print, fax or save.

Renaming a file.

  1. Press F2 and type the new name. Then press Enter.

Fast folder navigation in the Explorer.
In the Explorer folder panel (press FOLDERS button to display it).

  1. Press the UP Arrow and DOWN Arrow to move between folders.
  2. Press the Right Arrow and Left Arrow to show and hide sub-folders.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Word 2000 basic

Borders and shading, bad company.

  1. To place a border on a paragraph in a group of shaded paragraphs hilight it's end of paragraph mark before choosing your border. Otherwise the border will apply to the edge of the shaded area.

"keep with next" doesn't work

  1. When creating groups of paragraphs or lists that must remain together and so not break at the bottom of a page, make sure every paragraph of the group, except the last one, is checked "Keep with next" and "keep lines together".
  2. Troubleshooting:
    Just go to the last paragraph of the group and turn off "keep with next" and the group will function normally.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Chapitre 5

  1. Cliquer deux fois sur la croix noire pour recopier sa formule jusqu'à la fin d'une colone.


  1. Pour cacher un objet dans une page, activer la barre de dessin, créer une boite blanche, sans bordure. Puis placez la sur l'objet a cacher.



  1. Study and use all the toolbar buttons.

Chapter 6

  1. Entering data, problem with key, index, etc.
    Press the ESC key TWO times to start a record over.
  2. CTRL+' to copy previous record data.
    Forget it! You will anyway, use ARROW UP, CTRL+C (copy) then ARROW DOWN, CTRL+V (Paste).

Chapter 10:

  1. Click FORMS then NEW then use the WIZARD for maximum control. For SPEED, use autyform columnar.

Chapter 16:

  1. Click REPORTS then NEW then use the WIZARD for maximum control. For SPEED, use autorepoirt tabular.


Chapter 5: Windows Explorer

  1. Run your Windows Explorer.
    The fastest way to run it is to press WINDOWS+E keys on your keyboard. This will also show all your drives right away.
  2. Organize your screen.
    To see both panes, make sure you click the Folders button.
  3. To copy and paste files.
    Just SELECT your files in the right pane, press CTRL+C, then, in the left pane, SELECT the destination folder and press CTRL+V.